Τετάρτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Never Love A Rockstar (ARC Review)

από την Γεωργία Παπαδοπούλου

Summary: Rebecca Cooper knows what dating a rockstar is like. It’s late nights, months on the road, and constantly sharing your man with everyone else. It’s coming second. She’s been there, done that, and walked away with a broken heart. So how it is possible she’s put herself in this position again? In love with yet another rockstar. This time, his brother.
Luke Mills is bitter. He’s bogged down by years of guilt and heartache. He goes through the motions. He’s rough with everyone around him. And then Rebecca walks back into his life. Sweet Rebecca. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t have come back. But Luke sees her and can’t help the way his heart wants to respond. But, no, not in a million years—he’d never let her have a spot in his frozen heart again. Not when she was always his brother’s girl.
Author: Sarah Darlington
My Rating: 4/5
You can find it here

   "Never Love A Rockstar" is a romance novel and it's the third book in the "Never Trust" series. It's about the "forbidden" love story between Luke and Rebecca. 
   The relationship of this unexpected couple evolves step by step and there is no rush. The author makes some references in the past to make the reader understand better the bonding between Luke and Rebecca. The story is sweet, interesting and full of emotion.
   The main characters, Luke and Rebecca, have great chemistry, despite some moments of awkwardness. You may have a different opinion about them being together at the beginning, but I think you'll change your mind after you finish reading the book.
   All in all, "Never Love A Rockstar" is a great book that romance lovers will definitely enjoy reading.

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